Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Toddler-approved Easter cards

Today Arthur and I made a dozen Easter cards.

They were simple, they involved paint (his favourite) and glue (another favourite) and overall, were very pleasing to make.

I took inspiration from this lovely post over at a Thrifty mum, with something for all ages and abilities on the younger scale of crafters.

Here is Arthur working hard (we also made cotton wool sheep cards for a bit of variation while the chicks were drying) and one of his finished cards.

Great fun, we used an apple for our printing (no potatoes in the house currently) and I think they came out rather well.

We have delivered several already and he is very proud of himself!


Back again...

for another attempt at blogging?

"Hahaha" I hear you all cry - well... I'll try anyway.

Easter is upon us, and I have been crafting with the boys, and next month my youngest starts 5 mornings a week at nursery.  I might actually have some time to sew!  Fancy that.